Sunday, August 9, 2009

Johnny's first million dollar budget

I have the pleasure of working from home with our new little addition always at my side. As you know from my previous post, Johnny MUCH prefers our bed to his. Sometimes, I'll lay him on the bed and let him fall asleep, then I can spread out my work and get a few things done. This week, I was working on this very important budget and had been poring over a document figuring what procedures to charge for. Johnny was snoozing and all was going well until my phone rang. Hoping the ring didn't wake him up, I grabbed it and ran out of the room to take the call. I returned not two minutes later to a wide-eyed baby, with a guilty face and my important papers crumpled and smeared with baby slobber. He looked at me as if to say, "Was this not for me?" There's nothing like a new baby to bring what is important back into perspective.


  1. He is such a sweet little guy. He's already trying to help mommy. Thanks for emailing me those pics from the blessing day!

  2. What a little rascal! Always good to have kids to remind you of what is really important =)
