Monday, February 28, 2011

Do I look like Mr. Potato Head?

Tonight, as I sat watching t.v., Johnny
jumped up on the couch, grabbed my
glasses off of my nose and gleefully
replaced them with his Mr. Potato Head
glasses. Then he burst out laughing.

I think it was the first time that he
connected that his Mr. Potato Head
glasses were a toy version of what I
wear every day.

He makes us laugh every single day!

Sunday, February 27, 2011


This morning as I was getting ready for church,
I noticed that Johnny had stepped into my shoes
and was walking around the house.

It reminded me of Kevin, who used to do
the exact same thing when he was the
exact same age! There are so many
things about these boys that are so different,
but other things are wonderfully similar and
it is fun to have sweet memories while
we are making new ones.