Monday, July 27, 2009

Sweet night of sleep

For the second time, Johnny slept through the night! Sweet relief! He has not been an easy sleeper. This little swaddling blanket has saved our lives, as he wouldn't sleep more than about 2 hours at a time until we discovered it. It has velcro that keeps him bundled up for at least long enough to fall asleep. After he awakens, he can wriggle his way out like a regular Houdini.

I've let him get into a bad habit of allowing him to sleep in the bed with us starting at about 5 a.m. He's done with his cradle by then, but sometimes we can squeeze out another hour or two of sleep if he is allowed to snuggle up against one of us. Who can blame him? I don't like to sleep by myself either!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Gone Ridin'

Those of you who know me well might guess that this isn't my cowboy hat (John made me wear his) but you might never guess that I'm learning to ride a horse. Yes, that is correct. I'm the daughter of a cattle rancher, yet I've spent my whole life being terrified of horses. Now, I'm taking horseback riding classes every Tuesday night...and I even like it! I have pretty much overcome my fear, and that is saying a lot. I ride a very patient, very slow horse named Nick. He is unflappable! This week, I had to ride him down a steep embankment into a stream. Big stuff! Good thing he likes water. Here we are with John's horse, Jimmie. (Jimmie was the baby of the family until we had Johnny.)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

6 more weeks

Kevin was horrified when he realized I brought the camera along when we went for his suit fitting. The picture isn't great because I was trying to do it when the salesman wouldn't notice. I can't believe he will be leaving in 6 weeks! His farewell will be on Sunday, August 30th. You are all invited. Our Sacrament Meeting starts at 12:45, so you'll need to be there by 12:35 to get a seat. We'll have an informal gathering at our house afterwards. Hope to see you there!