Monday, August 23, 2010

New tricks...

Last Thursday, John came home from work and called out "Johnny!" He answered, "Whah?" We looked at each other and asked, "Was that a fluke? Did he just say what?" Throughout the weekend, he showed us over and over that he was saying "what" (minus the "t") and he knew how to use it appropriately. It's the cutest word to ever come out of his mouth!!! I like to ask him questions while he's in the same room so I can see his facial expression. He listens very intently, gives a serious (almost worried) look, then says, "whah?" When we start laughing, he cracks up himself. John likes to wait until he's in a different room, then he calls him, and you hear this faint little "whah?"

It was a whole weekend of firsts, because on Sunday, I attempted to take him to Relief Society while John taught Elders' Quorum. He thought he was too big to sit on my lap, so I settled him in the chair next to me. After the announcements, someone got up to give the opening prayer. I reached over to "help" Johnny fold his arms and he was already sitting there with his arms folded and his head bowed! So sweet!! I couldn't believe it! That night when we were about to bless the food, he did it again. Today, same thing. We're on a roll!

Finally, today, I think he told me "no!" It was quite forceful, but it came out "doe" so I can't be sure. It sure was suspicious. He definitely knows what "no" means. Today at the park, he kept trying to put a sand-covered rock in his mouth. I told him "no." He looked straight at me and tried it again. I told him "no"...he tried it again. I told him "no" and he balanced it on top of his head instead of putting it in his mouth.