Friday, November 20, 2009

Where the pavement ends

We've been where "the pavement ends" visiting the new ranch in Nebraska. We had a great time. I think of the many years I dreaded spending summers on the ranch. How age changes perspectives. Now I can't think of anything better than solitude.

Here's John and Johnny modeling their camo. Johnny got all dressed, and did the men take him hunting? No! Probably a good idea since he was a fussy boy. He is teething and it has been a hard week!

Johnny is not interested in staying a baby. While we were at the ranch, he started pulling himself up to standing and now he's taking steps holding onto furniture. This guy is 7 months old! I keep telling him there's no hurry. I want him to be a baby just a little longer! But, Kevin walked at 8 months and I think he's going to as well. You should see what he does to the house. Well, no, you shouldn't...


  1. I love all the pictures of the ranch. It sounds like a great place. I can't believe Johnny! He is growing up so fast!

  2. Can't wait until we can visit the ranch again. So I guess it wasn't the walker that made Kevin walk early after all? Just genetics! He is so adorable.
