Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween Highlights

First stop, Aunt Charlotte and Uncle Tyler's house where Johnny checked out all of the aquatic themed costumes. Tucker was an octopus, Savannah was a mermaid, Emma was a jelly-fish and Oliver was a dolphin. A giraffe didn't quite fit with the theme! It was very tough to get a picture where everyone was looking and still enough that the picture wasn't blurry. This was the best I could do.

Those tentacles were mesmerizing!
On to Aunt Suzy's... Johnny wore his "I'm so cute it's scary" pajamas that Suzy gave him underneath his costume.
Suzy stood him up in a chair to pose for pictures and he stayed standing!

John's nephew's son, Hayden, was a darling little frog. Here he is examining Johnny's costume. Johnny loves to be around all of his cousins!


  1. that standing up picture is hilarious. we're praying for kevin this week, he'll be fine!

  2. They all look great. Looks like you had a lot of fun. Our sunday was dedicated to Kevin. We know he will do fine and be protected. Love you guys.

  3. He looks so big standing up! What a cutie.
