Sunday, April 4, 2010

Johnny is One!

It seems like yesterday that Johnny was born, but we woke up last Sunday and he turned one! We had a little party at our house with family. Johnny gets very solemn around crowds. We knew it was going to be a night for shyness when he would barely crack a smile for Aunt Suzy.

It got worse when I accidentally snapped the little elastic strap when putting on his birthday hat. He sobbed and sobbed. It was so sad!

Emma made him one of his favorite gifts. She bought these wooden beads at a garage sale, washed them in the dishwasher to sanitize them, then strung them on a ribbon to make a necklace.

John models the bead necklace.

Balls were a hit. Johnny can actually throw a ball with surprising accuracy. He has also started tossing his empty bottles from his crib into his dirty linen basket. Yesterday, when I emptied his linen basket, I found 5 empty bottles he had thrown in there!

Thanks, everyone, for celebrating with us!


  1. oh goodness, what a cutie. happy birthday johnnie!!

  2. He is so beautiful. I'm so glad for blogs so we can see him growing! Happy Birthday Johnnie!
