Monday, February 8, 2010

Another New Trick!

Johnny learned another new trick. About a week ago, I tried to teach him "Pat-a-Cake." No luck. He really wasn't interested at all. So, days and days went by and we did other exciting things, like playing endless games of peek-a-boo. Saturday night, we went to a restaurant and he was in his carseat at the table. I looked over at him, and he very deliberately started patting his hands together. It was so, so cute! Of course we had a fit over him, clapping and cheering. He realized he could get a lot of attention that way. Fast forward to today. I went into the bedroom and he was up to his worst trick...tearing up a book. As soon as he hears me coming when he knows he is doing something wrong, he drops it and crawls away as fast as he can. This time, he dropped the book and started racing across the room, then he suddenly stopped, got up on his knees and started patting his hands together. It was priceless. Doesn't he look innocent in his picture? (Still drooling down the front of his shirt!)


  1. He is so cute and what a personality!!! We've got to come back soon...we're missing too much fun in SLC!

  2. So funny! Too smart for his own good, too.
