Monday, March 28, 2011

Johnny is 2!!

Can you believe this little guy turned 2 today? I can't! It seems like it was only yesterday that he joined our family. What a fun time we have had with him. He was quite solemn on his birthday, which is a little unusual for him. I think he gets a little overwhelmed with presents. But after he opened them all (with a lot of help) and carefully figured out how each one worked, he looked up and gave us a huge smile and said, "Tant-too (thank-you)! He was fascinated with the candle...

Silly Daddy had to blow it out. John asked him, "Can I have a truck?"

Johnny: No!

John: Can Mama have a truck?

Johnny: No!

John: Does Johnny get all the trucks? Johnny (with a big smile): YES!

Will Buzz and Woody fit into this truck?

He loved his "Miles the Crocodile" book from Aunt Martha.

Learning to ride the tiniest bike ever.

Hopefully the weather will improve and we can get everyone together at the park for a party!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Johnny's First Snowman

With our balmy weather and rain this weekend, you would hardly guess that we had a pretty significant snow last weekend. Here are pictures of John teaching Johnny to make his first snowman.

Hey, why is that guy wearing my hat??

Then, they moved on to snowball throwing.

Johnny was more of a participant in this activity than building a snowman. Do you see the snowball he threw on the right side of the photo? Pretty good, huh!
Whenever he is in a new or stressful situation (not that building a snowman is that stressful, but he wasn't used to being out in an actual snow storm and he had fallen down a couple of times trying to navigate the snow in boots), Johnny likes to ground himself by going back to the familiar.
He starts with "Eyes..."

Then, "Nose..."

And finally, "Mouf (aka mouth)."
It cracks me up and is one of the cutest things he does.
Last week, he was in the middle of a meltdown so John put him in his crib and he heard this wobbly, tearful little voice reciting, "Eyes, nose, mouth."